The exchange Students between China and USA on vacation:
The said foundation will plan for the exchange students, visiting and learning from each other for students from high school and elementary school on winter and summer vacations. It will enhance the mutual understanding and provide financial aid in order to learn linguistics, culture and knowledge and also the intimate association and friendship
between China and America.
Every year the said foundation will accept the application before months of winter and summer vacations.
The American students apply to the grant-aided group of C-A EDF.
The Chinese students apply to the special financial aid committee of China Education.
Development Foundation.
It will be separated for group of elementary and group of high school. Each group includes 20 persons and the ages are from 9 year-old to 15 year-old. The numbers limit For 20 students.
The costs of accommodation and travel are $1,000.00. The said foundation will provide
Financial aid for air ticket.
The itinerary of round trip for 15 days during winter and summer vacations.